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Does Protein Cause Constipation?

In this article, we will closely examine the complex relationship between protein intake and constipation. We will dive into various studies that have explored this topic, considering factors such as carbohydrate intake, gender, and the type of protein consumed. We will also discuss the potential effects of whey protein powder on gut motility and constipation.

Jakub Gwiazdecki

Author - Jakub Gwiazdecki

Fifth year medical student at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Jakub used MediSearch to find sources for this blog.
MediSearch gives instant answers to medical questions based on 30 million scientific articles.

Does protein cause constipation?

Many factors influence the relationship between protein and constipation. Among the factors are:

  • type of protein,
  • carbohydrate consumption level,
  • gender.

Generally, eating proteins, with the exception of cow milk, shows no ability to cause constipation.

However, research shows that cow milk protein is indeed linked to constipation. Protein-free cow milk consumption has a positive impact on constipation [1].


However, protein consumption increases the risk of constipation in people who eat little carbohydrates. This risk can be easily lowered by eating more carbohydrates [2].

Also, gender influences the risk of constipation when eating proteins. Women have a higher risk of constipation than men when eating proteins [3].

Does whey protein powder make you constipated?

Whey protein powder is protein and thus does not directly cause constipation [2]. In fact, whey protein powder can have the opposite effect and cause diarrhea [4].

For example, whey protein hydrolysate powder can affect gut motility. Scientists have found that it increases the contractility of the gut [5]. It can also impact bowel movements.

What are the potential side effects of whey protein powder?

Whey protein powder can cause side effects due to the changes in gut contraction. Among others, increased bowel contractility can cause:

Side effects of whey protein powder can occur, especially in those with irritable bowel syndrome [6].

What are the causes of constipation?

The causes of constipation include:

  • a diet low in fiber [8],
  • dehydration [8],
  • a sedentary lifestyle [9],
  • medications like antihistamines, antacids, and some antidepressants [10],
  • stress [11].

Constipation can be a symptom of certain medical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, thyroid disease, and neurological problems [11, 12, 13, 8].

How does a high-protein diet influence the gut?

A high-protein diet influences the gut, the bacteria in the gut, and their metabolism [14]. High protein amounts can disturb the balance in the intestine.

Generally, a high-protein diet lowers weight and improves blood parameters. However, it also modulates the intestine bacteria and their metabolism [14].

Not all proteins have the same impact. Some are more beneficial for the gut than others. For instance, the fermentation process of lentil proteins has an anti-inflammatory influence on the intestine membranes [15].

Nevertheless, long-term high protein consumption can raise the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, diabetes type 2, and intestinal disease [16].

The mechanism by which a high-protein diet can increase the risk of diseases is by higher concentrations of toxic metabolites from the guts [16].

Among the toxic substances produced during a prolonged high-protein diet are ammonia, amines, and hydrogen sulfide [16].

Are animal proteins worse than plant proteins?

Animal proteins are more digestible and have better nutritional values than plant proteins. For example, their amino acids are easier for the body to absorb [17].

Also, animal proteins are made of more essential amino acids [18]. These acids are crucial for the body as they cannot be produced independently.

However, consumption of high amounts of animal proteins increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Animal proteins lead to high cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of atherosclerosis [19]. It can lead to coronary artery occlusion and heart attack.

Plant proteins are generally linked with lower cardiovascular risk and better health outcomes. Additionally, they have a lower environmental impact than animal proteins [20].

Plant proteins can be beneficial. However, the plants contain fewer proteins than animal meat. Therefore, only a plant-based diet might not cover the protein needs of, for example, children [21].

How can the risk of constipation be lowered?

Many ways can help in lowering the risk of constipation. One of the most effective ways to prevent constipation is to include dietary fiber in the diet. They can be found in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits [22, 23].

Another effective way of lowering the risk of constipation is to drink a lot of water. It prevents dehydration, which can lead to constipation [23].

Also, physical activity helps to lower the risk of constipation. Regular exercise promotes the movement of the stool in the intestine, making it less likely to get constipation [24, 22].

Additionally, a regular toilet habit can be beneficial. It is advisable to go to the toilet regularly and not suppress the urge [22, 23].

Further, eating specific foods can lower the risk of constipation. For example, consuming probiotics like yogurts, kefirs, and also tomatoes decreases the risk of constipation [24, 25].

There is no universal daily protein recommendation. The protein needed daily varies according to age, gender, daily activities, and health condition.

However, here are some general rules of thumb.

  • For adults, both men and women, the estimated average requirement for protein is from 0.66 to 0.8 g/kg per day [26].
  • In young adults, the recommended daily protein consumption is 0.9 and 1.2 g/kg [26].
  • For healthy older adults, a daily protein intake is recommended to be from 1.0 to 1.2 g/kg [27].
  • Unhealthy elderly should eat less protein. However, it should be at least 0.8 g/kg daily [28].

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