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Mounjaro Sulfur Burps: Causes and Prevention

In this blog, we will closely examine sulfur burps, a common but often misunderstood condition. We will explore the various causes, including diet, behaviours, and certain health conditions. We will also discuss prevention strategies and guide you when seeking medical help is necessary.

Jakub Gwiazdecki

Author - Jakub Gwiazdecki

Fifth year medical student at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Jakub used MediSearch to find sources for this blog.
MediSearch gives instant answers to medical questions based on 30 million scientific articles.

Can Mounjaro Cause Sulfur Burps?

Yes, in some patients, Mounjaro can cause sulfur burps.

The main reason why it does so are changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Mounjaro is a hormone-mimicking medication. It binds to the same receptors as gastric inhibitory polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide 1.

Additionally, people who eat too fast and drink carbonated beverages can potentiate the burps. Foods like lactose and deep-fried food can also exacerbate sulfur burps while taking Mounjaro [1].

What Can Cause Sulfur Burps?

Sulfur burps are burps that smell like rotten eggs. The primary cause of them is food and beverages. However, some diseases and medications can also cause such burps.

Foods that can lead to sulfur burps include:

  • Fried foods
  • Lactose-containing foods
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli
  • High-fibre foods
  • Garlic
  • Onions [1].

Also, behaviours that increase the amount of air in the stomach can lead to sulfur burps. Among them are:

  • Eating too quickly
  • Talking while eating
  • Smoking
  • Drinking from a straw
  • Chewing gum and sucking candies [1].

Sulfur burps can develop as a consequence of a disease. The most common medical conditions that can lead to sulfur burps include:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer disease [1, 2].

Additionally, food intolerances can cause rotten egg burps. The poor reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to lactose or gluten can also contribute to sulfur burps [2].

Lastly, medication can lead to sulfur burps. Any medication that works in the gastrointestinal tract can disturb normal digestion. The consequences of abrupt changes in the digestive process can create sulfur-smelling burps [1].

How To Get Rid Of Sulfur Burps From Mounjaro?

Sulfur burps can be unpleasant for you and the people around you. Luckily, there are methods for dealing with them.

A fast and effective way is to change your diet and eating behaviour. One solution is to avoid foods and beverages that can lead to gas accumulation in your stomach. If you notice that after a specific substance, you get sulfur burps, you should avoid it.

You should also stop specific behaviours that can lead to burps. Among them are chewing gum, sucking on hard candies, smoking, eating quickly, and eating while talking [1].

To help your digestive system, you can also start regular exercise [1].

Furthermore, specific foods are known to cause sulfur burps, so you should avoid them. These include broccoli, arugula, mustard greens, kale, cabbage, radish, and turnips [2].

When the sulfur burps are strong, you can also take particular over-the-counter medications. For instance, you can take Pepto-Bismol or Mylanta. The first will help with the smell of the burps. The second medication will help you get air from your stomach faster [2].

When you suffer from food intolerance, you can also reach for specific medications. In cases of lactose intolerance, you can help yourself by taking lactase. This enzyme will help digest lactose and thus limit the unpleasant effects of dairy products [2].

When Should You See a Doctor with Sulfur Burps?

Sulfur burps are a common condition. Typically, there is nothing to worry about. However, the burps can become frequent, disturbing, or accompanied by other symptoms. In this situation, you should go and see your doctor.

The additional symptoms of sulfur burps can be digestive tract or chest pain [1].

You might lose weight quickly or have a fever [1].

Also, the sulfur burps may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea [1].

All the symptoms above can indicate a severe situation in your gastrointestinal tract. You should consult a doctor when you notice a sulfur burp with one of the symptoms.

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