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Visible Pulse In Stomach While Lying Down

In this article, we will take a close look at the causes of a visible pulse in the stomach while lying down. We will discuss the role of the abdominal aorta, the effects of pregnancy and digestion, and when this phenomenon might be a cause for concern.

Jakub Gwiazdecki

Author - Jakub Gwiazdecki

Fifth year medical student at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Jakub used MediSearch to find sources for this blog.
MediSearch gives instant answers to medical questions based on 30 million scientific articles.

What causes a visible pulse in the stomach while lying down?

A visible pulse in the stomach while lying down is caused by blood rushing through the abdominal aorta [1].

One common cause of visible pulse in the stomach is pregnancy. It leads to an increase in the blood volume in the abdominal circulation [1].

Sometimes you can feel a pulse in your stomach after meals. Particularly after eating a lot, the abdomen increases in volume, and the pulse becomes visible [1, 2].

Also, lying down with your legs up can lead to a visible pulse in the stomach [1]. The elevated position of the legs causes higher blood pressure and volume in the abdominal aorta.

Additionally, you can feel the pulse in your stomach when lying down after exercise. Physical activity increases the blood demand in your legs, and your heart beats stonger and faster. It leads to more blood flow through your abdomen.

Where does the pulse in the stomach come from?

The main pulse in the stomach that can be seen comes from the abdominal aorta. This artery is a continuation of the descending aorta. It starts at the diaphragm and ends at the approximate height of the iliac crests, dividing into left and right iliac arteries.

The iliac crests are the highest part of the pelvic bone. You can feel them. They are the first bone down from your ribs.

The abdominal aorta supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs. In abdomen, the artery delivers oxygen to the intestine, stomach, liver, and pancreas.

Is feeling a pulse in your stomach dangerous?

It is not dangerous to feel the pulse in the stomach when lying down.

The abdominal aorta, which is the source of the pulse in the abdomen, carries a lot of blood under high pressure. When a change in the blood distribution occurs, like after eating food or when you raise the legs, the pulse can be felt.

Also, during pregnancy, it is common to see the pulse in the stomach when lying down. When you are pregnant, your body redistributes the blood to the fetus.

Remember that the pulse in the stomach when lying down is natural and should not be obstructed. Prolonged limitation of blood flow in the abdomen can lead to ischemic pain and, with time, damage to the tissue.

Should I see a doctor when my pulse in the stomach is visible when lying down?

As long as you experience only a visible pulse in the stomach when lying down, you do not need to see a doctor. Physiologically, the pulse should stop being visible after you stand up.

Also, it is typical to see your stomach pulse when lying down when you are pregnant, have just eaten, or have just finished a physical activity.

However, there are situations when a visible pulse in the stomach when lying down needs medical attention.

Whenever you see a pulse in the stomach when lying down that is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, back pain, or bulging of your abdomen, you should seek medical attention immediately. It can a serious medical emergency like an aneurysm [1].

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