What is the Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ situated in front of your neck, just above the trachea. It is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body and weighs about 15 to 20 grams in an adult human [1, 2]. Each follicle of the thyroid is divided into fluid-filled follicular cells enveloping thyrocytes, which produce the pre-hormonal variant of the thyroid hormone thyroglobulin [3].
What does the Thyroid do?
The thyroid gland is a key organ that enables all cells in the body to perform their normal day-to-day activities in terms of metabolism and regulatory functions. It produces and releases various potent hormones that have endocrine effects on basal metabolic processes or increase oxygen consumption in almost all body tissues.
They have important roles in growth, cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, development and metabolic homeostasis. Two potent hormones – namely, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) – are produced by the thyroid gland and released into the systemic circulation [1, 4, 5].
Thyroid hormones govern lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, heart rate, neural development, cardiovascular, renal and brain functions [6]. They influence virtually every organ and regulate many of your body’s most vital functions, such as breathing, heart rate, weight, digestion, and mood [7].
The pituitary gland, which sits at the base of the brain, commands these activities. It makes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) that directs your thyroid to make more hormone when your pituitary senses that you are low [8].
What problems can the Thyroid cause?
A frequent disease condition is hyperthyroidism: an overproduction of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism can manifest as irritability, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight gain/loss. Graves’ disease, Plummer’s disease, and toxic adenoma are common conditions that lead to hyperthyroidism [9]. In more than 95% of diagnosed hyperthyroidism cases, the cause is at least participatory, if not complete, transference beyond the immediate ‘glandular’ localisation. It is in these cases that hyperthyroidism occurs as an autoimmune thyropathy, or autonomy [10].
Another is a condition known as hypothyroidism, in which too few hormones are produced by the thyroid. This can lead to fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, and cognitive impairment. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – an autoimmune disease – is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism [11].
Thyroid nodules, or growths on the thyroid, can also cause problems. Most are benign, but they can become overactive and produce too much thyroid hormone [12].
Sometimes, thyroid inflammation, known as thyroiditis, can leak stored thyroid hormone out of the gland, resulting in hyperthyroidism [13].
For one, an excessive intake of iodine can cause the thyroid to make too much hormone, and that can result in hyperthyroidism. [13] Some medications also cause thyroid dysfunction, namely hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. [14]
Can Castor Oil and Cayenne Pepper help with Thyroid issues?
However, it’s also clear that a number of natural products studied for their health-enhancing properties could be helpful as an adjunct to thyroid health. Many essential oils, such as lemongrass, frankincense and lavender, have been proposed to help alleviate symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as inflammation, dry skin and anxiety [15].
For hypothyroidism, spearmint, peppermint, myrrh and rose geranium oils are said to aid symptoms of joint pain, digestion problems and swelling [15].
Meanwhile, traditional medicines, such as those derived from Nigella sativa (black seed), have been found to exert similar metabolic actions that modulate thyroid hormone concentrations in animal-conducted studies [16].