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Can Delta-9 Cause Next Day Side Effects?

In this article, we will focus on the next day side effects of Delta-9, a chemical found in cannabis. We will look at how the side effects can manifest in users and what the common next day side effects are. In addition, we will also consider whether Delta-9 is addictive and how to get it out of your body fast.

Frederika Malichová

Author - Frederika Malichová

Neuroscientist at the University Of Cambridge.

Frederika used MediSearch to find sources for this blog.
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Next Day Side Effects of Delta 9

Delta 9, a form of THC, can lead to several next-day side effects. Users may experience fatigue, memory issues, and a decrease in motor skills. Some people also report feeling a "hangover" effect, including headaches and grogginess. It's important to note that these effects can vary based on individual tolerance and the amount consumed.

What Is Delta 9?

Delta-9 is a chemical compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. It belongs to the group of cannabinoids, which are chemicals that can affect our bodies in many different ways.

Delta-9 is the most abundant form of tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the compound that is responsible for feeling “high” [1].

When Delta-9 is consumed, it can lead to various effects on your body. For instance, it can alter your perception of time and events. It can alter your focus or induce a state of relaxation. In addition, it can also cause side effects such as anxiety, and difficulty thinking and speaking. In addition, it can lead to dry mouth, increased appetite, memory loss, rapid heart rate, red eyes and slowed reaction times [1, 2, 3].

Delta-9 THC has also been associated with potential medical benefits. In fact, the synthetic form of Delta-9 is used in the drug dronabinol, or Marinol, which is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This drug helps to stimulate appetite in people undergoing chemotherapy, people with HIV, AIDS and also in people suffering from anorexia [2].

Is Delta-9 Addictive?

A study found that participants chose active Delta-9-THC more often than a placebo, indicating a preference for the substance [4]. Another study showed that rats chronically treated with Delta-9-THC exhibited withdrawal-like behaviours, suggesting a state of physical dependence [5]. However, its potential for addiction is a topic of ongoing research and debate.

What Are The Side Effects Of Delta-9?

In the above section, I have already touched upon a couple of the side effects that Delta-9 consumption can cause. One of the most common is anxiety, which can manifest as feelings of unease or worry [1, 2, 3]. Another common side effect is to have a dry mouth, which then leaves users feeling parched or thirsty [1, 2, 3]. In addition to these, Delta-9 THC can also stimulate appetite. People experience increased food intake and colloquially it is referred to as “the munchies” [1, 2]. Vomiting is also common [1, 2].

Memory loss as a side effect has also been reported. This can affect both short-term and long-term recall [1, 2, 3]. Users also report having red eyes, which is a common symptom associated with the use of cannabis [1, 2, 3]. Other serious side effect that can occur after the consumption of delta-9 due to high dosages of cannabis are hallucinations, paranoia, and panic attacks [1, 2].

In some cases, people may experience an increased heart rate, this is particularly concerning for individuals with heart conditions [1, 2, 3].

Can Delta-9 Cause "Next Day" Side Effects?

Delta-9 can indeed lead to several "next day" side effects. Some of the common side effects that we can observe the next day after the use of Delta-9 are:

  • anxiety,
  • dry mouth, thirst, difficulties with speech and swallowing
  • increased appetite
  • slowed reaction times [1, 2].

The anxiety induced by Delta-9 the next day can manifest as feelings of unease, worry or fear which can be mild or severe [1, 2].

Additionally, a study observed persistent brain activity changes after a single exposure to THC. 24 hours after administration, glucose utilization remained depressed within mesolimbic and amygdalar regions, suggesting that behaviors related to anxiety, stress, and reward may remain altered for up to 24 hours [7].

How To Get Delta-9 Out Of Your System Fast?

There is no guaranteed way to rapidly eliminate Delta-9-THC from your system.

  • THC has a long half-life due to its lipophilic properties, allowing it to accumulate in adipose tissue and be slowly released over time [4].
  • The elimination of THC and its metabolites occurs via feces and urine for several weeks after use [5].
  • Chronic daily users can produce detectable levels of THC and its metabolites for up to one month after their last intake [6].
  • The rate-limiting step for THC elimination is its release from adipose tissue [4].
  • THC metabolism varies between individuals due to factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and consumption method [6].

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