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Rad-140 vs Rad-150: A Comparison

In this article, we will take a close look at RAD-140 and RAD-150, two selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) popular among bodybuilders and athletes. We will discuss their potential therapeutic uses, the risks associated with their use, and the need for further research to fully understand their effects.

Nithishwer Mouroug Anand

Author - Nithishwer Mouroug Anand

Nithish is a computational biochemist at the University of Oxford working on alchemical methods for protein-drug interactions.

Nithishwer used MediSearch to find sources for this blog.
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What is RAD-140

RAD-140, also called Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has been researched for potential therapeutic uses. It is not approved for medical use but has gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes as a performance-enhancing substance.

Potential Uses of RAD-140

Based on the limited research available, RAD-140 may have the following potential uses:

It has been investigated as a potential treatment for muscle-wasting conditions like cachexia and sarcopenia due to its ability to increase muscle mass and strength [1].

Preliminary research suggests it could have applications in treating breast cancer by degrading the oestrogen receptor and inhibiting tumour growth [2].

Some studies indicate RAD-140 may help protect against acute radiation syndrome and promote DNA repair, suggesting potential as a radiation countermeasure [3].

However, it's crucial to note that RAD-140 is not approved for any medical use, and its safety and efficacy in humans have not been fully established through rigorous clinical trials.

Given the limited data and potential risks, RAD-140 should only be used under proper medical supervision if approved for therapeutic use in the future. Self-medication with unregulated supplements containing RAD-140 can be extremely dangerous.

What is RAD-150?

RAD-150, also known as TLB 150 Benzoate, is a modified version of RAD-140, with the key difference being the addition of a benzoate ester.

The chemical formulas of the two substances are as follows:

RAD-140: 2-chloro-4-{[(1R,2S)-1-[5-(4-cyanophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]-2-hydroxypropyl]amino}-3-methyl benzonitrile

RAD-150: (2S,3R)-3-[(4-cyanophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]-3-[(2-methyl-3-chloro-4-cyanophenyl)amino]-2-propyl alcohol

While we have numerous studies, including human trials, on RAD-140, RAD-150 lacks extensive research. Suppliers often market RAD-150 as a "revolutionary" compound with claims of higher efficacy and being the next step in SARM science. Even the name RAD-150 suggests an improvement, much like how LGD-3033 followed LGD-4033.

However, only with extensive research, we can tell if RAD-150 is better than RAD-140. The lack of studies makes substantiating any bold claims surrounding RAD-150 hard.

Side effects of RAD-140

RAD-140 can cause serious side effects. In one case report, a 16-year-old boy developed myopericarditis after taking his first dose of testolone (RAD-140). RAD-140 is often abused by physically active young adults to improve athletic performance and appearance.


Potential side effects of RAD 140 and RAD 150, based on the impact of other androgens and anabolic steroids, may include [1, 4]:

Suppression of natural testosterone

Decrease in natural testosterone levels can lead to reduced testicular volume and lower sperm production.

Prostate issues

Androgens, which play a role in prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, may also contribute to prostate issues.

Cardiovascular effects

There are potential cardiovascular effects, though their clinical relevance is still unclear.

Virilization and behavioural changes

In women, effects like a deeper voice and increased body hair can occur. Additionally, some report behavioural changes like increased aggression, although this is not firmly established.

Approximately 90% of anabolic steroid users experience harmful side effects. [4] Other potential adverse effects reported with anabolic steroid use include [4]:

  • Severe acne (affecting about 33% of users)
  • Gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in men, affecting about 33% of users)
  • Excessive body hair
  • Stretch marks
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiac arrhythmia

However, due to the lack of specific studies on RAD 140 and RAD 150, many of their effects still need to be discovered, and further research is needed. [4] The use of multiple anabolic agents simultaneously also complicates the understanding of each drug's effects. [4]

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