MediSearch API

Integrate our powerful AI to provide accurate, reliable medical information in your applications.

See Examples
Can you please interpret my blood tests?
Your vitamin D levels are below norm for your age1, better get some sunlight!
Johnson et al., 2022
MediSearch AI

Leading Medical AI

MediSearch consistently outperforms other AI models on medical benchmarks.

USMLE Performance

The USMLE is a three-step examination for medical licensure in the United States.
A passing score for medical school graduates is around 60%.

Customer Success

See how organizations are implementing our API across different healthcare domains.

Consumer HealthPatient Education

Medoh Health

Consumer Health Platform

Integrated MediSearch API into patient education portal to provide accurate, reliable health information with enhanced search capabilities.

Clinical SupportEHR Analysis


Medical Practitioner Platform

Uses MediSearch API for clinical decision support, EHR summarization, and diagnostic suggestions to help doctors provide better care.

ResearchLiterature Analysis

Leading Research Institute

Biomedical Research

Powers their literature analysis engine with MediSearch API to scan medical journals and accelerate research discovery.

Why Choose MediSearch API

The world's most accurate medical AI, now available via API


Industry-Leading Accuracy

Achieves 94% accuracy on USMLE, surpassing other publicly available medical AI models


Trusted Sources

Every answer backed by peer-reviewed medical literature with direct citations to trusted sources

Real-Time Updates

Stays current with new medical research - all publications integrated within 12 hours of release


Multilingual Support

Support for multiple languages with region-specific medical and drug information


Smart Search

Powerful filters for publication dates, information sources, study types, article quality, and more


Proven at Scale

Trusted by over 1 million users through our consumer product, powering medical search worldwide

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