API Documentation

These docs provide the input and output data structures that the MediSearch API supports. We provide a streaming API using Server-Sent Events (SSE).

The API is deployed at:



Check out our examples to quickly integrate the API.

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The MediSearch API allows you to integrate our medical search capabilities into your applications. Our API uses Server-Sent Events (SSE) for real-time, streaming responses to medical queries.

Below you'll find detailed information about the input structure to send to our API and the output formats you'll receive.

Input Structure

Request Format#

The structure of a request to the MediSearch API.

Data Structure
  "conversation": [
    "Is cancer transmissible?"
  "key": "your_api_key",
  "id": "your_conversation_id",
  "settings": {
    "language": "English",
    "model_type": "standard",
    "system_prompt": "Please use simple language and include safety warnings when appropriate.",
    "filters": {
      "sources": [
      "year_start": 2020,
      "year_end": 2023,
      "only_high_quality": true,
      "article_types": [
conversationArray[String]Conversation history as alternating human and AI messagesYes
keyStringYour API key for authenticationYes
idStringUnique identifier for the conversationYes
settingsObjectConfiguration options for the requestOptional

Field Details


An array of strings that contains the conversation history. The messages alternate between human and AI, with the first (and any odd-indexed) messages being from the human, and the even-indexed messages being from the AI.

The last message in the array must always be from the human.

Conversation Structure Rules
  • The human and bot messages are alternating
  • There is at least one message in the conversation
  • The last message is the human query
Valid Examples
["What is diabetes?"]
["What is diabetes?", "Diabetes is...", "What are the symptoms?"]
Invalid Examples
["What is diabetes?", "Diabetes is..."]


Your API key for authenticating with the MediSearch API. You can obtain a key by signing up.


A unique identifier for the conversation. This should be generated once at the start of a conversation and reused for all follow-up messages in the same conversation.

Using the same ID helps maintain context across multiple interactions. You can use a UUID or any other unique string.


The settings object allows you to configure how MediSearch processes and responds to queries. It includes options for language, model type, and search filters.

languageStringLanguage for the response (default: "English")Optional
model_typeStringModel type to use: "standard" or "pro" (default: "standard")Optional
system_promptStringCustom instructions to control the style, format, and constraints of AI responsesOptional
filtersObjectFilters for refining search resultsOptional

You can specify the language for the response. While you can specify any language, we test and evaluate the performance of the model on the following languages:

Model Type

Default model suitable for most medical queries. Optimized for balanced performance and response time.


Enhanced model with greater capabilities for complex medical questions and specialized topics.

System Prompt

The system_prompt parameter allows you to customize how the AI structures and presents its responses. This is useful for tailoring outputs to specific audiences or changing the style of the response.

Common Use Cases

Simplifying language: "Please use simple, everyday language and avoid medical jargon when possible."

Adding safety guidance: "If users asks questions that require diagnosis, respond with 'I cannot answer this'. "

Formatting responses: "Present information in a structured format with markdown headings and use bold text for warnings."

Filters Object

Fine-tune search results using the filters object to specify source types, publication dates, and more. All filter fields are optional.

sourcesArray[String]Which source types to include in the search (default: all)Optional
year_startIntegerEarliest publication year to includeOptional
year_endIntegerLatest publication year to includeOptional
only_high_qualityBooleanWhen true, restricts results to high-quality sources (default: false)Optional
article_typesArray[String]Types of scientific articles to include when searching (default: all)Optional
Available Sources
scientificArticlesScientific Articles

Peer-reviewed scientific literature

internationalHealthGuidelinesInt. Health Guidelines

Guidelines from international health organizations

medicineGuidelinesMedicine Guidelines

Guidelines related to drugs, vaccines, etc.


Healthline content


Medical textbooks and reference books

Available Article Types

Studies that combine results from multiple studies


Review articles that summarize existing literature

clinicalTrialsClinical Trials

Research studies involving human participants


Other scientific articles

Output Format

Event: llm_response#

Response from our language model that has been generated so far. You will receive multiple events with the response building progressively.

Data Structure
  "event": "llm_response",
  "id": "your_conversation_id",
  "data": "Cancer is generally not transmissible between individuals. However, there are a few rare exceptions..."
eventStringThe event type identifier, always "llm_response" for this event
idStringThe conversation ID that matches your request
dataStringThe AI-generated text response

The response is generally markdown formatted, with headings, bold text, bullet points, and lists. To change the formatting please refer to our system prompt documentation in the Settings section.

Event: articles#

Articles that are referenced in the response of MediSearch. This event arrives after the AI has finished generating the response.

Data Structure
  "event": "articles",
  "id": "your_conversation_id",
  "data": [
      "title": "Symptoms and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes",
      "url": "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31245782/",
      "authors": ["Johnson", "Smith"],
      "year": "2021",
      "journal": "Journal of Diabetes Research"
      "title": "Current treatment approaches for type 2 diabetes",
      "url": "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30982651/",
      "authors": ["Chen", "Williams"],
      "year": "2022",
      "journal": "Diabetes Care"
titleStringThe full title of the article or publication
urlStringURL link to the article
authorsArray[String]List of author names for the article
yearStringPublication year of the article
journalStringThe name of the journal where the article was published

The citations in the llm_response correspond to the 1-indexed articles in the returned articles list. In the example below, the first article (index [1]) is Cancer is not transmissible and the second article (index [2]) is Transmissible cancer can actually happen.

Articles Response

Data Structure
  "data": [
      "title": "Cancer is not transmissible"
      "title": "Transmissible cancer can actually happen"

LLM Response

Data Structure
  "data": "No, cancer is not transmissible [1]. 
  Except for some rare cases [2]."

Citation Indexing

In general: the i-th citation in the response coming from llm_response corresponds to the (i-1)st index of the articles list coming from articles.

Event: error#

Error responses from the API.

Data Structure
  "event": "error",
  "id": "your_conversation_id",
  "data": "error_not_enough_articles"
Error Handling

The MediSearch API may return error events in various situations:

Error Event Codes
Error CodeDescription
error_not_enough_articlesNot enough relevant articles found for the query.
error_out_of_tokensConversation exceeded maximum allowed length. Start a new conversation or simplify your query.
error_internalInternal server error that occurred during processing.
error_llmError occurred in the language model processing.
HTTP Errors

Other errors (like authentication issues, rate limiting, etc.) are returned as standard HTTP errors over SSE, not as error events. These include:

HTTP CodeDescription
403Unable to authenticate the request.
429Rate limit exceeded
500General server error


You should have at least some basic error handling mechanism to show your users a sensible message on your frontend when an error happens.

If you suspect the problem is on our end, do not hesitate to contact us: founders@medisearch.io

Client Libraries and Examples#

MediSearch provides official client libraries to help you integrate with our API.

Ready to start building?

Get your API key and start integrating MediSearch into your application.