Before onboarding conditional wrapper
Before main
Before ellipse
Between ellipse and header
For Business
Sign in
Between header and body
answers to
medical questions
Before search
Between search bar and filters button
Between filters button and response type toggle
Between response type toggle and submit button
After submit button
Between search and examples
Start with common questions
Does alcohol have health benefits?
Best foods for reducing cholesterol?
What are the chances of getting cancer?
Is coffee beneficial for health?
Does sport increase life expectancy?
Dive deeper into complex questions
Does a covid vaccine worsen arthritis?
Does creatine affect cognitive performance?
Do you have a higher risk of osteoarthritis after meniscectomy or meniscus repair?
Can second hand smoke cause early AMD?
What is the probability of blood clots after surgery?
Could hormonal birth control affect relationships?
Between examples and what is medisearch
What is MediSearch
Between what is medisearch and animated notification
Between animated notification and search bar
Between search bar and filters button
Between filters button and response type toggle
Between response type toggle and submit button
After submit button
Between search bar and utm campaign id
Between body and contact button
Contact us
Between contact button and footer
Between footer and prefetch results
After main in conditional wrapper
Between conditional wrapper and splash screen